

Exceeding Expectations

In July, we launched Avenue Art Inspiration in the new spaces at Harmony Ridge. This would be the first large-scale villager art installation ever at Cross Keys Village. In order to ensure a certain unity, I tasked Monte Leister, our specialist in all things art, with selecting just one inspiration piece from our permanent collection. Without hesitation, he selected “Giraffe” by Ron Krajewski. As you will see, artists in our village, plus a few team members, took the concept beyond anything I could have imagined. 

The buzz of excitement built over eight weeks of preparation and we were thrilled to present over fifty pieces of giraffe-inspired art—visual, language and performing. During the opening reception, we enjoyed classical guitar music, lovely refreshments provided by our Dining Services team, poetry reading… and even a flash mob performance by our line dancers. We commemorated the project with a color catalog showing every submission. The response from participants and visitors was unanimous delight. Everyone’s reaction was quickly followed by the question: “So, what comes next?”

And to think I started it all…

Luckily, we were already thinking about the next one! Shortly after this first opening, we had started planning our second exhibit inspiration—Outside In. How to bring the outside in, and appreciate it in a whole new way.

As I am putting the final touches on this new exhibit, we find ourselves again overwhelmed by more than ninety pieces of artwork inspired by the idea of Outside In. Nearly every person that participated in our first exhibit came back for this one—and then some. We are noticing more fiber art creations, and there is an increase in poetry submissions too. So, if you think you know what to expect this time, think again. Prepare yourself to be wowed and awed all over again!

The Outside In exhibit opens on Friday, September 30, from 1 to 3 pm, on the last day of our celebration of Active Aging Week. Harp music will set a gentle tone of reflection to conclude an otherwise fun and often buoyant week. The exhibit will be open through mid-November to allow ample time for multiple visits. And—please, don’t tell anyone—we are already planning the next one!

Holly Fetting – Director of Life Enrichment